2006 09 Kitchen Remodel |
2006 09 01 Cabinets in Progress 2006 09 07 Demolition, Problems 2006 09 14 Vent and Posts Move I 2006 09 19 Vent and Posts Move II 2006 09 25 Cabinets in Progress 2006 10 10 Cabinets in Progress 2006 10 16 Sheetrock, Lighting 2006 10 20 Paint, Cabinet Layout 2006 10 21 Cabinet Install Day 1 2006 10 22 Cabinet Install Day 2 2006 10 23 Cabinet Install Day 3 |
2006 10 23 Cabinet Install Day 3Again, more progress on the cabinet installation today. All of the cabinets that will have any granite counter on them have been set in place. There are four pieces of granite, none big, but still four pieces. One on each side of the range, the largest piece along the sink wall, and a fourth piece on the cabinet in the northwest corner of the room, to the left of the three windows (middle photo below).
The above were all taken at about noon, the photos below taken at the end of the day.
Counter top "templates" tomorrow..